Oracle Cloud ERP Implementation Services

From initial implementation through expansion and optimization, we have the skill and real-world experience to deliver the right Oracle solution for your unique needs.

We developed unique offerings to support our clients’ current and future needs

  • Quickstart

    Rapid implementation of Oracle Cloud ERP in 8 to 10 weeks.

  • Innovate

    Rapid implementation of Oracle Cloud ERP in 8 to 10 weeks.

These offerings are constructed to deliver an cost effective approach to implement Oracle Cloud ERP, enabling your organization to achieve greater efficiency, agility, and growth.

Quick Start Overview

Maini Oracle Implementation Accelerator for HyperGrowth companies.

Maini's QuickStart implementation accelerator is a service that shortens the implementation time of Oracle Cloud Financials. The service is designed to help organizations quickly and efficiently implement Oracle Cloud Financials, reducing the time and effort required for deployment.

Additionally, with Maini's QuickStart offering, businesses can benefit from a faster time-to-value and reduced implementation costs.

Overall, Maini's QuickStart offering for Oracle Cloud Financials is an attractive option for businesses looking to implement a comprehensive financial application suite quickly and efficiently. As your business changes and grows, it is easy to expand and scale the scope of the solution and integrate it more fully with other applications.

A foundation for continuous improvement

For a set price and defined scope, the QuickStart package offers a personalized solution that addresses the specific needs of each customer. By limiting customization, we streamline the implementation process, reducing cost and complexity. With QuickStart, businesses can take advantage of Oracle's comprehensive suite of financial applications, including general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, and more.

Implement faster. Benefit sooner

Our implementation covers all standard functionality listed below, ensuring that your organization benefits fully from Oracle ERP Financials Cloud.

  • General ledger including chart of accounts, company structure, account hierarchies
  • Cash Management and bank accounts
  • Security
  • Tax
  • Receivables & payables
  • Standard financial reporting

Phase 1 Business Processes

Our implementation covers all standard functionality listed below, ensuring that your organization benefits fully from Oracle ERP Financials Cloud.

  • Standard G/L for two primary ledgers.
  • Standard Financial Reporting: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, P&L
  • Bank account reconciliation.
  • Standard purchasing and payment features.

The offering can be extended to include additional scope and customizations on as needed basis. Once the system is live we can help you manage it.

Get lasting results

Maini Quick Start accelerator could meet all of your needs and first step for an ongoing process for continuous improvement. As your business grows and changes, it's easy to expand the scope and scale of your Oracle solution, add more applications and integrate it more fully with other applications.

Learn how our Oracle Application Services can help your business and some your challenges and achieve your goals. Contact us today!